Monday, June 12, 2017

Project 12 Scrapbooking: June

Time for you photo prompts and layout suggestions for this month.
Hope you enjoy them.

  1. Grass
  2. sky
  3. feet
  4. hair
  5. A ball
  6. Clever
  7. Laundry
  8. Looking in a mirror
  9. Something in turquoise
  10. Something prized
  11. Music
  12. Silly
Scrapbooking Layouts:
  1. You:  What is your "prep" routine
  2. Holiday:  Father's Day  - celebrate your Dad
  3. Places:  What place do you most associate with your Dad?
  4. Everyday:  What's for Lunch today?
  5. Rituals:  What do you listen to everyday? while doing chores? studying? creating? etc...
  6. People:  Scrapbook a teacher
  7. Inspiration:  Use a quote to highlight your page today
  8. Personality:  take a picture of each person in your home, and use a one word Title for the picture
  9. Things:  Scrapbook a field trip
  10. Family Stories:  Create a layout highlighting an ancestor
  11. Seasons:  Make a list of things in response to "It is not my Season to......"  Reminding yourself that there is a time and place for everything.  Appreciate where you are right now.
  12. Fun:  Use lots of buttons on your layout

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