Saturday, August 12, 2017

Project 12 Scrapbooking: August

I hope you are enjoying August!  For some of us it's time to get the kiddos ready to head backto school, while for others it is our last opportunity to enjoy the sunshine and to relax before the big Back To School Rush begins.

Here are your Dozen Day Tips for this month:

  1. Wet
  2. Tall
  3. Talking
  4. laughter
  5. A recent purchase
  6. A set of something
  7. salad
  8. heart
  9. map
  10. A scenic view
  11. Something official
  12. Something yellow
Layout Topics
  1. You:  Who do you look like?  Who looks like you?
  2. Holiday:  Birthday - Do you have special traditions you use to celebrate everyone's birthday? 
  3. Places:  Scrapbook your favorite vacation spot
  4. Everyday Life:  Play - what do you and your family do together to Play?
  5. Everyday Rituals:  Driving - Who does most of your driving?  What rituals do  you have around your daily commute?  What do you keep in your car and why?
  6. People:  Scrapbook a niece or nephew.  What are their talents, traits and why do you like them?
  7. Inspiration:  FInd an image or words in the Sunday paper?  Why do they inspire you?
  8. Personality:  What makes you mad?
  9. Things:  Water - create a layout with the main focus as water
  10. Family Stories:  Create a layout telling about a funny family travel diaster.  Something unexpected, unplanned, untimely or unfriendly
  11. Seasons:  Pair on photo of each family member with a short description of what Season they are in.  Focus on what they are learning, overcoming, accomplishing and or enjoying.
  12. Fun:  Use your punches to create a layout.

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