Monday, November 25, 2019

30 days before Christmas

Author Unknown, but I think it is cute....

Twas the month before Christmas
and what lies ahead?
three weeks of parties,
the baking I dread

The cookies. The shortbread.
fondue with great dippings
the fruitcake is yucky
but nuts make great pickings

When children are nestled
all snug in their bed
the pantry starts calling
treats dance in my head

Pound cake seems light.
I'll check it, I mutter
300+ fat grams
in one pound of butter?

TV ads peddle
the grandest new toys
my daughter wants earings
new sleds for my boys

Away to the mall
I fly like a flash
through food courts enroute
to machines for more cash

The budget is tight now
I'll pass on my meeting
but how can I make it
all week without cheating?

The shopping and wrapping
I really don't mind
but that leaves less time
to plan and unwind

When what to my wondering
eyes should appear
my neighbors have strung out
their lights for the year

Two weeks till Christmas
my house is still plain
I wanted to journal
not trim in the rain

Each day I start with the
best of intentions
but fast food wins out
I've got water retention!

The parties are coming
at least two a week
buffets and hors deuvres
my weight loss looks bleak

One little cookie,
than two, three and four
now that I've blown it
I'll just eat some more

Those people who weigh me
are just but a dream
and my leader, her name
escapes me it seems

It's just not the time
to try this solution
I'll wait till the New Year
-- a fresh resolution

An order on-line
I sit down to send
when I find in my e-mail
a note from a friend

She's lost two more pounds
she's written to tell
she missed me at weigh in
and hopes that I'm well

She says that I've helped her
so often it seems
when she wasn't feeling
like she'd reach her dream

She knows I've been busy
but wanted to say
my health was more crucial
than this holiday

I sit and remember
how far I have come
thirty pounds, thunder thighs
flabby arms, half my bum!

With firm resolution
I journal my day
grab my keys, leave a note
and head on my way

I speak not a word
but go straight to the gym
I'll no longer skip it
nor eat on a whim

The air seems much clearer
my world is alright
I'll get through the season
I'll finish this fight

And I think to myself
as I go to bed sighing
I'll stop losing weight
the day I stop trying

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