Saturday, January 25, 2020

Project 52: Valentine’s Day Shirts for the Grandbabies

Past vs Present

“The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.”
~Wendell Berry

When I look back on my past, it seems so distant to me. When I think on my past, I realize that who I am today is because of my past. I can’t completely escape it because it defines who I’ve been and who I’ve become.

So many of us try to escape what is behind us. It’s a hard choice to embrace what we’ve tried to leave behind. I find this difficult for myself. To completely escape my past would be to deny a large part of myself.

“What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.”
~Author Unknown

For some, embracing the past is easy because it’s an easy past to embrace.

Not much has seemed to change or the changes they’ve gone through have been easy ones. For some of us, this is harder. Our past may not have been something we felt we had much control over. It can take a lot of forgiveness for some of us to embrace things that have hurt us or caused change in us that we didn’t want. For some, there are things that we want to choose not to remember.

As the quote above tells us, though, the things that have happened in our past, no matter if we look at them as good or bad, those things have made us into the person we are now. And right now is the time to make choices in our present that will affect the past, as the past is as close as yesterday.

Look back on your past. What things in the past have made you who you are today? What things have been easy to embrace? What things have been hard to embrace? If there is something you’re struggling to embrace, WHY do you find it hard to embrace? How are you different from who you were in the past? How are you the same?

Make a list of some of the things in your past that stand out to you. Are they the same as things are now or are they different?

Create a page that shows how your past differs or has stayed the same compared to who you are today. Don’t be afraid to be honest. Don’t be afraid to be candid.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Project 52: Valentine’s Day Bows

To Change or not to Change

To change or not to change

Life is a constant series of opportunities to change or not to change. Sometimes, change happens to us regardless of whether or not we want it. And sometimes, change won’t happen unless we provide our own opportunity to change.

“Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.”
~Author unknown

Change can be so subtle that we don’t even realize it’s happening. It’s just a natural progression of the path that we’ve chosen in life. Change can also be so dramatic and profound that it alters life as we know it. Not changing can also be profound or subtle.

What things have you decided to change or not change in your life? How has this altered (or not) the direction your life has taken? How has it impacted your relationships? Did you have a subtle change in your life but didn’t realize it at the time, only to see the effects years down the road? How has it made you into the person you are today?

Create a layout sharing this change (or NON-change) and how it has affected who you are today.

Take our your course notebook and answer these questions to help you get started on your layout.

*What things have I changed about myself or my life situation over the years?

* How have these changes affected who I am today?

* What are some of the things that have stayed the same?

* How would I be different if I hadn’t left things as they were?

Now that you have your assignment, here's an additional challenge. It's entirely up to you if you want to take on the challenge. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to use rub-ons somewhere on your layout.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Project 52: Dinosaur Bows

What are your 10 positive attributes?

Many times, it’s easy to see our flaws and imperfections first before seeing the positive attributes that we possess.

I’m sure that if I asked you to give me a list of 10 negative attributes about yourself, you could hand that list to me in about 10 seconds. It takes most of us more time to think about the positive attributes that we have.

Why is this? Do we find ourselves embarrassed, vain or immodest to think about the positive characteristics that we possess? Do we think that others might think we have a big ego if we dare to admit the positive things about
ourselves? Are we concerned that people might find us conceited if we share the GOOD things that make us who we are? Are we afraid to admit these things even to ourselves?

“A man is by the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Look inside yourself, dig deep if you need to and write a list of 10 positive attributes about yourself. Create a page showcasing these 10 attributes. You can choose to use your 10 attributes as your only journaling or you can choose to write even more and incorporate these attributes into your journaling. You can even expand on these attributes by adding definitions of these attributes, sharing how you feel about them, perhaps sharing about another family member that shares them. Don’t be afraid to be positive about yourself.

Grab your notebook that you put aside specially for this course and write a list of your 10 positive attributes.

Now that you have your assignment, here's an additional challenge. It's entirely up to you if you want to take on the challenge. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to use tags for your attributes.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Project 52: Bows of Fauxed Leather

Creating  bows for family, friends and friends of friends
I never know how much to sell items for, I probably underprice myself

These are made from printed fauxed leather and range in size from 3-5 inches in width

WHat is your Passion?

We all have something we are passionate about. Usually, there’s more than one thing we’re passionate about. It could be a cause, our faith, a hobby, someone special in our lives, etc. Whatever it is, it’s something we pour our whole being into.

“Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace... but we would be hollow... Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.”
~ Joss Whedon

Our passions can be something that are born out of frustration, they can come from pain or joy, they can be something that affects us on a very personal level.

It can be something as close to us as our family. It can be something much bigger than ourselves, such as peace.

Our passions become a vital part of us. They are what drive us in our reason for living. They are the things that give us a sense of purpose and a greater hope.

“Our passions are the winds that propel our vessel. Our reason is the pilot that steers her. Without winds the vessel would not move and without a pilot she would be lost.”
~ Proverb

Do those who are closest to us know what our passions are?

 Do they know WHY these things are our passions?

 Let those close to you know what’s important to you, what drives you, what consumes you.

Ask yourself these questions to help guide you in sharing something so important to you:

What are some of my passions?

Why am I passionate about these things? Why do I pour myself into these passions?

How do these passions affect the way I live my life?

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My Personal Mission Statement for Scrapbooking

Inspired by Stacy Jullian, Big Picture Scrapbooking

A mission statement communicates who you are, what you do and why. A scrapbooking mission statement is an affirming way and empowering thing that will help you to recognize this amazing hobby as a significant part of your lifestyle, and thereby helping you to make time for it.

Your mission statement
1) It should express your purpose in such a way that inspires and supports an ongoing commitment.
2) It should motivate you to remain committed to your project.
3) It should be written in a positive manner that is convincing and easy to grasp.
4) It should be free of jargon.
5) It should be short enough to be easily read and understood.

Each time you read your mission statement, you will get a big smile on your face and say, "OH, Yeah!"

Start with journaling, simply think about and answer a few question. Take your time and be thoughtful and authentic with your answers. Don't rush, this might take a while.

Once you have your thoughts down, you can begin to edit it into a consice statement.

And don't be surprised if you mission statement changes as you grow within your scrapbooking.

Questions to Ponder:
Who am I?
I am passionate about?
My individual strengths include?
What do i do with my Scrapbooking?
What do I wnat to accomplish with my Scrapbooking?
Scrapbooking Goals -
My Style of Scrapbooking is...
What motivates me to scrapbook?
How does my experiences and perspective influence my work?
What is the main focus of this project?

Here is mine:

I want to tell the story, not of just our life, but with themes of life, love, death, sorrow, hope, compassion, commitment, growth, family and community.

 I will do this by collecting stories, pictures and memorabilia that will express my stories as "life being." 

I value the diversity within our lives, and the influence that each experience has had upon not only today but tomorrow as well.

 I wish to preserve the personal growth of those close to me. I choose to step beyond my "comfort zone," to develope a sense of style within my work that best defines who I am and who I hope to become. 

I am determined to be creative, resourceful & effective in the the telling of "our stories." 

I reserve the right to scrap outside the timeline, to tell the story as it inspires me, not always in chronological order. 

I will make a conscious effort into "putting me" into my scrapbooking, with the use of pictures, stories and memorbilia. 

Above all else, I choose to visualize this project as fun, relaxing and inspiring, and not as a chore.

Journey restarted

Starting again.  Time to reassess my health
Current:  225 pounds
Goal:  150 pounds

Monthly Goal:  215  pounds

          1.   Rejoin WW
           2.  Reestablish a healthy lifestyle
                a.   Portion control
                b.   Healthier choices
            3.  Reestablish care with Doctors
            4.  Move more 

Goal, Dream or a Wish?

While growing up, we all had things that we dreamed about, wished for and perhaps even had goals that we worked towards.

Some of these things became realities. Others came and went without ever making it
past the thoughts in our minds.

Now that we’re adults, we may have grown up, but I can almost 100% guarantee that we are still dreaming, still setting goals for ourselves and still wishing. These processes have probably refined themselves, but we’re still doing them. Not much has changed except maybe the things that fall into those categories.

“Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.”

Each of us have things that we long to do or see, things that we think about on a constant basis. Things we’re working towards. What about you? What are these things? Are there things that you dream about, things that you wish for, things you are making goals to accomplish? Are there things in the past that you have striven for that you have already been able to accomplish?

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
~ C.S. Lewis

Share a layout that encompasses a dream, a goal or a wish…..or all three.

To get you started, answer the following questions:

* What is one of my biggest dreams, goals or wishes?

* Is this something that I could possibly make into reality?

* What sorts of things can I do now to bring that to life?

* Is there a dream, goal or wish that I’ve worked hard at and brought to life
and what it is?

* What did I have to do to make this a reality and how did it change me?

As a challenge, try scrapping this page without a picture.